Dennis Isaac
  • UX Expert
  • 2 min read

Sticking to UI conventions to avoid reinventing the wheel

Convention in UI design is closely related to consistency. It's a guiding force that shapes user expectations and interactions. By following established conventions, you can create interfaces that are intuitive, user-friendly, and reduce the learning curve for new users.

Image Description
A conventional wheel floating over a platform

The Role of Conventions in UI Design

Enhancing User Familiarity

Convention plays a pivotal role in how users interact with various interfaces. By keeping design elements consistent across an interface, the struggle for users to understand and navigate is significantly reduced. This consistency extends beyond a single interface; when similarities are maintained across multiple platforms, the learning curve for users is further decreased.

For instance, the practice of closing screen windows in the upper right-hand corner or the universal recognition of the settings icon are results of these established conventions. These design choices have become almost second nature to users, enabling them to navigate new interfaces with relative ease.

Reducing Cognitive Load

UI conventions reduce the cognitive load on users. When interfaces adhere to familiar patterns, users spend less mental effort in understanding the functionality of an interface. This familiarity allows users to focus more on the content and less on the navigation, leading to a more seamless and enjoyable user experience.

When to Break Away from Conventions

  • Evolving User Needs and Expectations: While conventions are crucial, there comes a time when they may no longer serve their original purpose. Changing user needs, technological advancements, and evolving design trends can render some conventions obsolete. This necessitates a break from tradition, paving the way for newer, more efficient design patterns.
  • Intentional and Purposeful Innovation: Innovation in UI design is essential but breaking away from conventions should always be a deliberate and well-thought-out decision. Designers should ensure that any deviation from established norms adds value to the user experience and does not simply change just because it's new or trendy. The new design should offer a clear improvement over the conventional approach, either by enhancing usability, accessibility, or by introducing new functionalities that better meet user needs.
  • Striking the Right Balance: Balancing between convention and innovation involves understanding the rationale behind established conventions and recognizing when they no longer align with user expectations or technological advancements. The key is to innovate without alienating users who are accustomed to certain design standards.

Final Thoughts

While it's tempting to break new ground in design, it's often more beneficial to build upon established conventions. These conventions are a form of shared language between the user and the interface, reducing the learning curve and enhancing the overall user experience. However, when conventions become outdated or restrictive, breaking away from them with purpose and intention can lead to meaningful innovation. By striking the right balance, designers can create interfaces that are both intuitive and innovative, truly encapsulating the ethos of not reinventing the wheel, but rather refining and redefining it.

User ExperienceEase of UseOnboardingGood Practices